SJCERA's membership elects four members and two alternate members of the Board of Retirement. These include the second and third seats, both elected by General members, the seventh and alternate seventh seats elected by Safety members and the eighth seat and alternate Retired member seat elected by Retired members. Each serves a term of three years and must belong to the same membership group that elects the trustee.
The Registrar of Voters conducts each election and sends a calendar of key dates and ballots to the membership representing the open seat.
How to Become a Candidate
All active and retired SJCERA members are eligible to run for office and vote in their respective membership group elections. Prospective candidates may obtain a Declaration of Candidacy and a Candidates Statement of Qualifications from the Registrar of Voters.
Declarations of Candidacy must be signed by the candidate and must be accompanied by a sponsor certificate signed by at least 15 members eligible to vote in that election.
Election Ballots
The Registrar of Voters distributes the ballots for each election to eligible voters along with any statements from the candidates.
Election Results
The Registrar of Voters certifies the results of each election to the County Board of Supervisors. The candidate receiving the most votes is declared the election winner and begins his or her term as scheduled. Election results are posted on the SJCERA website.